Sunday, August 17, 2008

tamara twirls

My dear friend Tamara, originally from California but now lives in an artists' collective in New York, NY, came for a visit. Tamara's visits are not usually just visits. They may be brief but she likes to add some spark to her arrival. One thing she is wont to do is performance art. Here we see dear Tamara doing her 'Pocket Lady' performance at the Long Beach Second Saturday Art Walk. She made her pocket skirt and tucked into each pocket a little work of her own art, some beads, beans, corn or who knows what in a bitty baggy and tied the pocket shut. She then approaches bystanders and asks if they want to make a wish. She tells them to think of a wish as she twirls around in front of them. They tell her when to stop and then choose a pocket to untie. They take their treasure and keep it to help them make their wishes come true. People just eat it up!

1 comment:

nobu said...

It is pretty and interesting.
If Doraemon see it, he will be suprised
And the expressions of the people who looks the skirt are interesting.